Sunday, April 26, 2015

Last Few Days of our Mission

President and Sister He took us to dinner to thank us for our mission service to one of Taipei famous restaurants.
The restaurant is known for its dumplings and was only a block from where we lived.  Each day we would walk by it and wonder why people were lined up outside of the restaurant from 11am to 10pm. The name of the restaurant is DIN TAI FUNG and this is the original location; with 3 others in Taipei, and locations in Hong Kong, Shanghai, New York, Paris.

The dumplings come steamed in bamboo baskets
 stacked 10 or more high.

Phillip and Maggie He are wonderful friends, devoted to the
 Lord, and are great leaders.  They served as Taipei Temple President and Matron from October 2012 to October 2015

The workers making the delicious dumplings

Our fun evening with the He's