Monday, July 30, 2012

Leaving the USA - Arrival in Taiwan

One last good-bye picture with 3 of our daughters
Andrea, Elona, Janel
(Charlene is currently living in Australia)

Linzi Livingston (Elona's daughter) saying good-bye at the 
Seattle Airport

Our first day in Taiwan in front of the Taipei Taiwan Temple

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Christ Statue at the Missionary Training Center

"Other Sheep I Have"
And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.  -John 10:16

The statue displayed in the lobby of the Missionary Training Center in Provo, Utah has a personal meaning to us as we know the artist Dr Steven Neal from Pendleton, Oregon.  My sister and brother-in-law, Debbie and Larry Pope took us to meet her friend and artist at his home 1999.  He and his wife were very gracious to show us their home, his paintings and sculptures.  We were amazed and touched by the beauty and emotion of Steven Neal's talent.  He told us that he wanted to start a new project that would be a sculpture of Christ based upon the scripture in John 10:16 "Other sheep I have, which are not of this fold".  We expressed an interest and he invited us back to his home on several occasion over the next year to see the new Christ sculpture as he carved it in clay.  On one of our visits he told us of a recent visit he had to Salt Lake City in which he was privileged to meet with President Boyd K Packard, a general authority of our church, and he showed him pictures of the Christ sculpture that he was working on.  President Packer has a strong interest in art and he suggested to Steven Neal to make Christ's arms a little stronger looking because his earthly father was a carpenter.  Steven Neal followed President Packers suggestions and made the arms stronger looking.  We asked Steven what was the next step and he said he would like to sell this sculpture to pay for the casting in bronze and pay for his travel and study to Italy to carve in marble this exact sculpture into life size.  He had never work with marble so he took the clay sculpture to act as his guide.  His plan was to donate the marble statue to the church.  We then told Steven that we would like to buy the sculpture from him to help make this all happen.  Which we did and we have the original one quarter size beautifully bronzed statue and in our home.  The church accepted Dr Neal's donation of his life size marble statue of Christ to be place in the lobby of the Missionary Training Center in 2000.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Memories in Provo

          Our dear friend's, the Gordon's drove from Las Vegas to visit and wish us well.  We have know Scott for 50 years.

This was our first time to visit the Provo Temple because it was  not yet built when we were students at BYU.

How sad, my old dorm "Robinson Hall" was torn down.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Missionary Training Center

This statue is located by the cafeteria  which is a tribute to the Elders since most will be riding bicycles.  It is overwhelming sight to see 2,000 missionaries here preparing to go out into the field.  Sitting on the bench are two young Sister Missionaries.
Sister Jenny Pincock and I are walking back from class with other senior couples, 94 total, going to all parts of the world.  Sister Pincock is from our home ward in University Place, WA.  She is going to serve in the Washington DC Temple for 12 months.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Arrival Day - The Missionary Training Center

 On our way to the MTC, John and Connie drove us by the Old Provo Tabernacle that had an extensive fire which gutted the inside of the 150 year old building.  The LDS Church is in the process of restoring this historical building and making it a Temple.  The outside and inside are supported with amazing braces to keep the old brick structure in tact.  Bob and I remember attending a few meetings in the old Tabernacle when we were students at BYU 50 plus years ago.
 When we arrived the young missionaries quickly grabbed our suitcases to carry them to our room.

It is a tradition to stand in front of the world map and point to the location where one will be serving.  All mission calls come from the Prophet of the Lord.

Temple Square - Salt Lake City, Utah

"Happiness" - Is A Call To Serve a Mission 

It is joyful to be with John and Connie.  They have always been an example for us and have served several missions.  They have encouraged us, and have said that the hardest thing is leaving your grandchildren.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Arrival in Utah - Weekend with John and Connie

John and Connie Woodward, Bob's brother and wife, who live in the Salt Lake Area picked us up at the Airport and we spent the weekend with them before we entered the Missionary Training Center in Provo, Utah. They took us to Temple Square on Sunday to see The Mormon Tabernacle Choir perform their weekly broadcast. 

 We walked around the Salt Lake Temple grounds.

Listening to the Tabernacle Choir perform live is a must do!  It is far superior to hear them in person.  People come from all over the world to hear this famous choir and now we know why.