Friday, December 28, 2012

Juming Museum - Part 3

President Chen, 2nd Counselor, in the Taiwan Temple Presidency is retired form the Taiwan Military, so he posed next to the jeep sculpture. President Chen was our host and tour guide to bring us to the Juming Outdoor Museum, and showed us the north part of Taiwan for the day.

More military sculptures in the background, and an interesting metal sculpture. 

All branches of the Military were honored by the Artist; and the large military collection were all sculpted from foam, then bronzed and painted. 

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Juming Outdoor Museum - Part 2

The Museum is the size of a large park. This is the 2 story Taichi Arch sculpture.  It is not carved out of rock; it is bronzed and painted. The grass is being weeded by hand. We have not seen any lawn mowers in Taiwan; but we have seen a large grass area like this one being cut with weed whackers.
We wanted a close up picture of the weeders; because we laughed when we saw this, and remembered how our kids complained about weeding our small yard.

A close up at the Taichi Arch
 by Ju Ming

Another sculpture of the same series.

Out Door Museum - Juming Museum - Part 1

Juming Museum is the exhibition grounds for the works by Ju Ming, one of Taiwan's most renowned modern artist. The soldiers along the walkway, and most of the outdoor art, was sculpted from Styrofoam, then bronzed and painted. 
As a tribute to the military, Ju Ming has completed and displayed more than 300 Armed Forces sculptures in his museum.

This is a large zipper.  The artist started purchasing the land for the museum in 1987; it took 12 years to develop, and all of the artist personal money.  I believe it is still owned by Ju Ming.  It is beautifully landscaped and maintained to display the sculptures.

There were several displays of the Zipper Series. .
