Friday, November 9, 2012

Wulai Dancers

After we went to see a performance of the Wulai Dancers, Bob tried to keep in rhythm with one of the dancers holding a heavy stick.  As the beat got faster and faster Bob could not keep up with the fast rhythm and finally had to give up.

The performance was very entertaining; and the dancers were very interactive with us, probably because there were only 10 people in attendance in a theater that would hold 150 people.  The dancer's costumes looked a little Polynesian and Indian.  At the end of the show they performed the wedding celebration dance,  and brought us on stage to dance the wedding dance with them.  It was fun but exhausting, and a reminder that I am getting older.

Other senior missionaries came by bus and train to join with us in Wulai; but they did not stay for the tram ride to the top of the mountain, nor the dancers.
To our left: Temple President and Sister Horner, 
To our right: Elder and Sister Hill, Mission President and Sister Day, Elder and Sister Pulley, Elder and Sister Kitchen

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